Color Biology(TM)

Color Biology is Bema’s unique way of delivering fast turnaround without compromising quality


At Bema, we understand that your brands and your art must not be compromised. At the same time, your turn around time and your inventory levels must be reduced. The industry has benefited from recent color quality advances in flexo printing. Our unique approach, we call Color Biology™, takes this to the next level. By producing color saturation and brilliance that rivals the best rotogravure and litho have to offer, in less time and at a lower cost, you can focus on your core business without concern.

Bema has achieved this by developing a deep understanding of color, taking control of the entire process and sourcing only the best materials. By developing an expert understanding of the organic interaction of materials in varying environments, our “color biologists” have identified the optimized combinations of resins, additives, solvents and inks.

Color Biology™ when applied with the best technology yields what you demand – uncompromised quality and timely delivery.

Learn more

Whether you have a specific question or just want to learn more about how we can help your business with all its printing and packaging needs, fill out the form below and we’ll get back to you shortly!